
Showing posts from July, 2019

Careers, Relationships, and Other Comical Notions

The day I turned 20 was murky with the haze of a quarter life crisis. From everything I had heard about this decade of my life, I concluded that it would be a wild and nonsensical ride. While some friends would be married with toddlers, I would probably only just be coming out of grad school. In a short time, my life could become vastly different as many milestones seem to happen in a person’s 20s. Three years later—I will be turning 23 soon—I still have no clue what the future holds, but I am a little more confident that I will pull through my tumultuous 20s like countless others.   Self-help books have become all too common on my reading lists these past few years. I read Eat, Pray, Love and soaked it up like every other poor soul who would probably not being taking a years hiatus to travel around the world. I read Wild , The Happiness Project , and countless others which I loved and hoped would change my life. However, I began to exhaust my options and turned to books wi